“In a future where Earth’s resources ran out and mankind drove itself to extinction, a lone survivor discovers an unfinished government experiment. Transported to a mysterious spacecraft roaming freely across the universe, he is suddenly given hope – yet things quickly turn weird… forcing him to question his very existence.”
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[one_third] [/one_third] [two_third_last]We’re launching our new and most exciting project in a long time! After two successful in-house documentaries we’re delving back into what we love most – narrative film. And we have the perfect project for it! AndroidRed will be our epic sci-fi adventure to be shot in mind blowing, interactive 360VR! We’re shooting this in-house film as a series – 3 seasons of 6 episodes each, to be released online. All will be produced independently, with the story partially influenced by our viewers and with the production funded by our supporters – yes, that means you! We need you!
Check out our IndieGoGo campaing right here: igg.me/at/AndroidRed ! For this moment we’re only seeking funds for the development stage (production will come later, we have a ton of work to make this happen over the next couple years) – so please don’t be a passive viewer! – become an early supporter! Help us stand strong against this ultra-exclusive world of corporate filmmaking – let’s finally do something new and original! We have a number of perks, such as HD downloads of our biggest past productions and even custom-created fan fiction placing you in the world of our story! Don’t miss it! And please take an active part in our fundraiser by helping spread the word directly to your networks![/two_third_last]
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Are you up for a challenge? Contact us!
We still haven’t brought on our writer yet! Wanna join us on a journey into a realm somewhere between the unconscious mind and outer space? Read on!
We are looking for a talented (narrative) screenwriter. Our story is ready and fairly well outlined. We now need a screenwriter to get it completed.
- have experience writing fiction scripts for the screen (fantasy/sci-fi a plus)
- have experience working with a director/co-writer/team etc
- have experience working for clients (and NOT just Vietnamese clients)
- have strong understanding of dramatic story structure and the character arc
- be great at shaping colorful, realistic, strong characters
- be great with words
- be familiar with and proficient in standard screenplay format (ie. Final Draft)
- be perfectly fluent in English
- be absolutely reliable!!!
- read all of this info and follow the directions as requested!
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Also, you should (though for the right candidate we may be flexible):
- have had your past writing produced into a film
- have a strong interest in sci-fi/thriller/drama genres
- have an interest in and/or good general knowledge of cinema, art, music, literature etc.
- have an interest in and/or past work focused on themes of: science fiction, travel, social isolation, existentialism, spirituality, philosophies, politics, sexuality, the unknown.
We’re happy to consider writers from anywhere in the world. You do NOT need to be based in Viet Nam. If interested, send us the following:
- Your profile/CV (1pg max)
- a clear treatment for ONE of your past scripts which best represents your work/interests/writing style (1pg max)
- A short scene or excerpt of the above script that best represents your writing/style/abilities (2pgs in standard screenplay format max)
- Links to past films of your produced writing, in English or with English subtitles.
Email these to: EtheriumSky@gmail.com
And please only apply if you fit the above criteria!
We are looking to bring on a writer as soon as possible. We are actively discussing this project with screenwriters from within our own network but this project is very unique – and we’re really really hoping to find a brilliant writer to blow us and our audiences away! If that’s you or someone you know – oh man, do get in touch asap!